Check this out !
Beware of the awsomeness of this link :
luni, 22 noiembrie 2010
sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010
World Of Warcraft Cataclysm OST
Beware of the awesomeness of the World Of Warcraft Cataclysm OST !
Cataclysm SoundTrack - The Tauren
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Orgrimmar
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Thunder Bluff
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Stormwind
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Undead
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Dark Ironforge
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Darnassus
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Night Elves
Stay tuned for more :P
Cataclysm SoundTrack - The Tauren
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Orgrimmar
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Thunder Bluff
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Stormwind
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Undead
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Dark Ironforge
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Darnassus
Cataclysm SoundTrack - Night Elves
Stay tuned for more :P
sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2010
Vaca de muls CoD !

Activision's CFO Thomas Tippl has promised at an industry conference in New York that 2011 will bring the company's "largest digital offering ever" in the form of DLC for the Call of Duty franchise. Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg made a similar statement last week, saying that Activision would offer "the Call of Duty community our largest line of an exciting new digital content ever." That could just be lots of new maps and content packs to download, or it could finally be the long-rumored subscription-based service Activision reportedly wants to put in place.
Either way, if you were one of the many, many people who shelled out $60 for Call of Duty: Black Ops earlier this week, Activision says not to put your wallet away just yet -- it's got some other offers coming soon that you might want to take advantage of.

vineri, 12 noiembrie 2010
Black [ Ops ] Suxx 2 = feedback !
"dar gpu load imi apare tot 30%... praf"
"Am incercat si eu singleplayer-ul. Am intrat in meniu, unde aveam 2 fps-uri si franturi de sunet, indiferent de setarile grafice.Totusi, se simt cateodata unele "micro-agratari", cu toate ca framerate-ul nu scade sub 30.
Lag-ul e o problema in multiplayer? Mai mult ca la MW2?"
"MW 2 zubra pe lângă situația din MP de acum. Pur și simplu nu este jucabil. Vezi inamicul, miști ținta, freeze complet, mort. Cam așa se desfășoară."
"L-am cumparat ca fraieru si acuma nu pot juca nimica, single player sacadeaza(pe detalii inalte) si in multiplayer sacadeaza pe orice detalii... FAIL (jocurile devin din ce in ce mai proaste)"
"Testat single player-ul, pe sistemul meu, Quad, GTX 460, 4Gb ram, mai mult decat suficient.
Gpu usage nu trece de 30-40%, framerate si stuttering groaznic, nu se poate juca.
Din ce am citit, si cu ATI apare aceeasi problema de low gpu usage, deci n-ar fi de la driverul Nvidia.
Intrebarea mea, cum puii mei sa lansezi un joc in asa hal, era evident ca stiu de problema din moment ce mi-e mi-a luat 2 minute sa o observ.
Dar nuuuu, lasa ca face cumparatorul beta testing pe banii lui, daca e fraier.
"Am incercat si eu singleplayer-ul. Am intrat in meniu, unde aveam 2 fps-uri si franturi de sunet, indiferent de setarile grafice.Totusi, se simt cateodata unele "micro-agratari", cu toate ca framerate-ul nu scade sub 30.
Lag-ul e o problema in multiplayer? Mai mult ca la MW2?"
"MW 2 zubra pe lângă situația din MP de acum. Pur și simplu nu este jucabil. Vezi inamicul, miști ținta, freeze complet, mort. Cam așa se desfășoară."
"L-am cumparat ca fraieru si acuma nu pot juca nimica, single player sacadeaza(pe detalii inalte) si in multiplayer sacadeaza pe orice detalii... FAIL (jocurile devin din ce in ce mai proaste)"
"Testat single player-ul, pe sistemul meu, Quad, GTX 460, 4Gb ram, mai mult decat suficient.
Gpu usage nu trece de 30-40%, framerate si stuttering groaznic, nu se poate juca.
Din ce am citit, si cu ATI apare aceeasi problema de low gpu usage, deci n-ar fi de la driverul Nvidia.
Intrebarea mea, cum puii mei sa lansezi un joc in asa hal, era evident ca stiu de problema din moment ce mi-e mi-a luat 2 minute sa o observ.
Dar nuuuu, lasa ca face cumparatorul beta testing pe banii lui, daca e fraier.
miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2010
Black [ Ops ] Suxx !
Tehnologia evolueaza (teoretic) si parca jocurile se prostesc. Arata mai urat... Sau mi se pare mie? La primul contact cu jocul asta am avut exact aceeasi senzatie de "cah!" ca si la Medal of Honor. Nu stiu, lipseste ceva din punct de vedere grafic (si nici nu vreau sa aduc in discutie consolele) sau poate e doar treaba de design artistic, cert e ca-mi lasa un gust amar la prima vedere. Ma ia cu ameteli, lesin si dureri de cap. Totu' pare prafuit (si nu in sensul bun) in primul nivel, si-mi da impresia de joc nefinisat... joc de duzina. Imi scarpin capul in semn de mirare la diverse aspecte... de la numarul de optiuni grafice, pana la gameplay.
Poate am eu asteptari prea mari, dar totusi am jucat zilele astea Clive Barker's Jericho (ca nu apucasem sa-l termin la vremea lui)... deci n-as crede ca m-am invatat cu grafica de ultima generatie. Parca as vrea totusi sa observ o diferenta intre grafica si gameplay la un joc vechi de 3 ani si titlul acestui topic, ca pana acum la primul contact sunt dezamagit sincer de faptul ca n-am sesizat mai nici o diferenta. Sper sa descopar ceva interesant in jocul asta. Un "late glow" precum la Medal of Honor ca altfel e trist... Trist rau.
Cat despre ce engine foloseste, sincer mi se pare irelevant. Pe mine ca jucator ma intereseaza cum arata si cum se misca, sau altfel spus cum se prezinta... si din pacate se prezinta cam slabut (sau invechit) din punct de vedere grafic. In fine, n-am jucat prea mult, doar vreo 4-5 misiuni. Si parca nici coloana sonora nu-l ajuta in anumite momente (e uneori total alt ritm fata de actiunea/atmosfera prezenta pe ecran).
Dar ca sa mentionez si un lucru pozitiv, pana acum ma incanta loading-ul in timpul filmuletelor (sau invers?), macar nu pot zice ca pierd vremea asteptand sa se incarce un nou nivel.
Nu pot intelege de ce Activision s-a inhamat cu Treyarch.Mai ales ca Treyarch si Certain Affinity au dat-o in bara rau cu Wold At War. Cand ai ceva care merge bine , de ce sa vrei sa faci pe nenea reparatoru` ? Infinity Ward a facut o treaba minunata cu joacele din seria CoD.
Black Ops & Medal of Honor => dezamagirile anului. Jocuri neslefuite de duzina care nu valoreaza nici macar cat plasticul carcaselor.
vineri, 15 octombrie 2010
R(etired) E(xtremely) D(angerous)

Robert Schwentke
Mary-Louise Parker, Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren
Premiera in Romania
Bazată pe faimoasele benzi desenate ale lui Warren Ellis şi Cully Hamner, RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) / Greu de pensionat este o comedie explozivă, plină de acţiune şi suspans. Filmul prezintă povestea lui Frank (Bruce Willis), un fost spion de top, cu ceva probleme de adaptare la viaţa obişnuită de pensionar. Cum se pare că ştie prea multe, noua conducere CIA trimite un super asasin pe urmele lui, aşa că Frank apelează la membrii vechii sale echipe pentru a-şi salva viaţa.
Joe (Morgan Freeman), fostul său sef din CIA este acum rezident al unui azil de bătrâni. Victoria (Hellen Mirren), un personaj de elită din CIA, nu reuşeşte să aibă o viaţă normală şi e încă dornică de acţiune. Iar Marvin (John Malkovich), fost asasin guvernamental căruia i s-a administrat un drog zilnic timp de 11 ani, e un personaj cel puţin... excentric.
Pensionarii din echipa de şoc nu par a avea prea multe şanse, dar pentru că acum sunt ţintele principale ale CIA, sunt nevoiţi să îşi dezgroape toate talentele pentru a supravieţui. Şi cum cea mai bună apărare e atacul, ei pornesc într-o misiune incredibil de îndrăzneaţă.
luni, 11 octombrie 2010
joi, 7 octombrie 2010
duminică, 12 septembrie 2010
miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010
Another Way To Die
This post needs no description !
The indulgence of our lives has cast a shadow on our world.
Our devotion to our appetites betrayed us all.
An apocalyptic plight.
More destruction will unfold.
Mother Earth will show her darker side and take her toll.
It's just another way to die.
There can be another reason why.
You know we should have seen it coming.
Consequences we cannot deny will be revealed in time.
Glaciers melt as we pollute the sky.
A sign of devastation coming.
We don’t need another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
The Time bomb is ticking and no one is listening.
Our future is fading.
Is there any hope we’ll survive?
Still, we ravage the world that we love.
And the millions cry out to be saved.
Our endless maniacal appetite.
Left us with another way to die.
It's just another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
Greed and hunger led to our demise.
A path I can’t believe we followed.
Black agenda’s rooted in a lie.
Will we repent in time?
Species fall before our very eyes.
A world that they cannot survive in left them with another way to die.
Are we dead inside?
[Chorus x2]
Can we repent in time?
It's just another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
The indulgence of our lives has cast a shadow on our world.
Our devotion to our appetites betrayed us all.
An apocalyptic plight.
More destruction will unfold.
Mother Earth will show her darker side and take her toll.
It's just another way to die.
There can be another reason why.
You know we should have seen it coming.
Consequences we cannot deny will be revealed in time.
Glaciers melt as we pollute the sky.
A sign of devastation coming.
We don’t need another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
The Time bomb is ticking and no one is listening.
Our future is fading.
Is there any hope we’ll survive?
Still, we ravage the world that we love.
And the millions cry out to be saved.
Our endless maniacal appetite.
Left us with another way to die.
It's just another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
Greed and hunger led to our demise.
A path I can’t believe we followed.
Black agenda’s rooted in a lie.
Will we repent in time?
Species fall before our very eyes.
A world that they cannot survive in left them with another way to die.
Are we dead inside?
[Chorus x2]
Can we repent in time?
It's just another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
marți, 7 septembrie 2010
duminică, 5 septembrie 2010
marți, 31 august 2010
Ce e in capu` unora ?!
Exista pe planeta asta niste indivizi care au ajuns la concluzia geniala ca e o idee buna sa realizezi filme dupa jocuri.In teorie ideea nu e proasta...doar cu practica stam prost . Asa au luat nastere multe catastrofe printre care tin sa enumar "Dragonball Evolution" , " Street Fighter : Legend of ChunLi " , "Tekken" si acum mai nou "The King Of Fighters " !
Prin comparatie cu titlurile de mai sus , KoF za movie e mult mai bun.Dar daca trecem peste aceasta comparatie dam de probabil cel mai de rahat film din ultimii 5 ani.De ce spun asta ? Seria de jocuri KoF are o poveste cel putin decenta , universul KoF fiind mai vast si mai interesant decat cel Mk & SF la un loc. Te`ai gandi ca producatorii ar fi avut de unde alege un episod din saga Orochi...sau NEST si ar fi iesit probabil cel mai bun film de actiune eva`!
Din pacate , ca si in cazurile de mai sus , cei responsabili pt acest film nu au idee de asa ceva.Asa ca au scos un film de categoria C folosind doar unele nume din universul KoF .
Prima mare cretinitate e locatia in care are loc actiunea...un univers paralel ? In care se antreneaza lumea ca sa fie mai "buna" in za real world?!WTF?
A doua mare problema e castul.Nu o sa comentez, in schimb am sa postez niste poze.Here it goes :
Kyo Kusanagi din universul koF [ care e 100% nipon ! ]

Kyo Kusanagi din film

Iori Yagami -KoF games-

Iori Yagami-za movie- atleast this mofo looks asian

Terry Boggard - kof games -

Terry Bogard - za movie -

Mai Shiranui -kof games - [ care e logodnica lui Andy Bogard ]

Mai Shiranui -za movie - [ iubita lu` Iori !? ]

Si nu in ultimul rand Rugal Bernstein !
Rugal - Kof games -

Rugal - za movie - cu toate ca il aprecies pe Ray potriveste ca nuca in perete !

Singurele 2 chestii bune din filmul asta e coregrafia care se vede ca e lucrata si clar peste orice tentativa din filmele enumerate mai sus . A doua chestie sunt efectele speciale.Chiar daca nu sunt folosite corespunzator...macar Iori are o flacara mov la un momendat.
A,da , de cand e Kyo Kusanagi mare samurai!? Kyo cu katana ?
Prin comparatie cu titlurile de mai sus , KoF za movie e mult mai bun.Dar daca trecem peste aceasta comparatie dam de probabil cel mai de rahat film din ultimii 5 ani.De ce spun asta ? Seria de jocuri KoF are o poveste cel putin decenta , universul KoF fiind mai vast si mai interesant decat cel Mk & SF la un loc. Te`ai gandi ca producatorii ar fi avut de unde alege un episod din saga Orochi...sau NEST si ar fi iesit probabil cel mai bun film de actiune eva`!
Din pacate , ca si in cazurile de mai sus , cei responsabili pt acest film nu au idee de asa ceva.Asa ca au scos un film de categoria C folosind doar unele nume din universul KoF .
Prima mare cretinitate e locatia in care are loc actiunea...un univers paralel ? In care se antreneaza lumea ca sa fie mai "buna" in za real world?!WTF?
A doua mare problema e castul.Nu o sa comentez, in schimb am sa postez niste poze.Here it goes :
Kyo Kusanagi din universul koF [ care e 100% nipon ! ]

Kyo Kusanagi din film
Iori Yagami -KoF games-

Iori Yagami-za movie- atleast this mofo looks asian
Terry Boggard - kof games -

Terry Bogard - za movie -
Mai Shiranui -kof games - [ care e logodnica lui Andy Bogard ]

Mai Shiranui -za movie - [ iubita lu` Iori !? ]
Si nu in ultimul rand Rugal Bernstein !
Rugal - Kof games -

Rugal - za movie - cu toate ca il aprecies pe Ray potriveste ca nuca in perete !
Singurele 2 chestii bune din filmul asta e coregrafia care se vede ca e lucrata si clar peste orice tentativa din filmele enumerate mai sus . A doua chestie sunt efectele speciale.Chiar daca nu sunt folosite corespunzator...macar Iori are o flacara mov la un momendat.
A,da , de cand e Kyo Kusanagi mare samurai!? Kyo cu katana ?
marți, 10 august 2010
Din ciclul : de ce nu doare prostia?!
Recent am prins din zbor o informatie care mi s`a parut cel putin cretina. Sunt constient ca cel putin jumatate din populatia globului e formata din retardati notorii , dar suntem totusi in secolul in care suntem. In ce consta informatia ? Pai cica exista o grupare de indivizi care sunt ferm convinsi ca populatia Pamantului e mintita de cel putin cateva sute de ani. Dap , baietii astia au prins adevarul de un picior si acum vor sa ne deschida ochii , pt ca noi , credulele oi , sa ne trezim din Matrix. Fratilor , am fost mintiti ! Terra e nu e sferica, nici macar nu are o forma geometrica 3D.Terra e plata , omul nu a zburat in spatiu` , satelitii artificiali si statia spatiala internationla sunt doar parte din masina de propaganda a celor care ne tin pe noi cei multi in Matrix !
Cu alte cuvinte , baietii astia veseli ne spun ca Pamantul se afla in mijlocul universului si arata asa :

Si ca orice idioti , folosesc BIBLIA ca un argument. Baietii astia cred ca Terra a fost creeata plata , ca cerul e defapt un fel de dom SOLIT in care sunt incastrate stelele si restul corpurilor ceresti vizibile de catre ochiul uman.Pasajul din biblie care descrie creeatia acestui "cer fals" este :
"God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament ... And God called the firmament Heaven" (Genesis 1:7-1:8)
Tot acesti baieti veseli mai spun ca nenea Christopher Columbus este creatorul uneia dintre cele mai elaborate farse , el folosind cateva sute de oglinzi si niste saci din panza folosita la velatura pt a convinge lumea ca Pamantul e rotund.
Unu` dintre luminatii astia afirma :
"... technology is not in any way related to the web of idiotic scientific theory. ALL inventors have been anti-science. The Wright brothers said: "Science theory held us up for years. When we threw out all science, started from experiment and experience, then we invented the airplane." By the way, airplanes all fly level on this Plane earth."
WTF ?!
Cu alte cuvinte , baietii astia veseli ne spun ca Pamantul se afla in mijlocul universului si arata asa :

Si ca orice idioti , folosesc BIBLIA ca un argument. Baietii astia cred ca Terra a fost creeata plata , ca cerul e defapt un fel de dom SOLIT in care sunt incastrate stelele si restul corpurilor ceresti vizibile de catre ochiul uman.Pasajul din biblie care descrie creeatia acestui "cer fals" este :
"God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament ... And God called the firmament Heaven" (Genesis 1:7-1:8)
Tot acesti baieti veseli mai spun ca nenea Christopher Columbus este creatorul uneia dintre cele mai elaborate farse , el folosind cateva sute de oglinzi si niste saci din panza folosita la velatura pt a convinge lumea ca Pamantul e rotund.
Unu` dintre luminatii astia afirma :
"... technology is not in any way related to the web of idiotic scientific theory. ALL inventors have been anti-science. The Wright brothers said: "Science theory held us up for years. When we threw out all science, started from experiment and experience, then we invented the airplane." By the way, airplanes all fly level on this Plane earth."
WTF ?!
duminică, 27 iunie 2010
PREVIEW : Transformers - War for Cybertron
It`s been awhile since I've written smtg serious on this blog.Donno exactly why...maybe cuz i was bored ? Maybe cuz my life was turnin` to be a little bit more gray then i was expacting ? The main idea is that I`m back biatcheeeez ! that`s out of the way , let`s get to the point.

The new Transformers game is here. I really was skeptical about this game. The other two games were pure shit.Shitty combat, shitty optimization , shitty story...basically CRAP.But what else to expect ? There are no decent movies made after video games...except this years Prince of Persia with was surprisingly good.But that`s smtg else and a different discution.Back to our game.
I`m gonna make this a preview...not a review cuz i`m not done with the game yet. It`s not finished and until i see the credits i think it`s not right to name my text a Review. To make it short...this game presents the war btw the decepticons and autobots, the war that distroyed their home world .
So...the things i liked :

1.The Story - is actually really nice. It has a comic-book feel.Not beening a transformers fan i didn`t know most of the facts that were prezented.And still the story felt refreshing yet familiar even to a new comer into that universe like me .
2. The Characters - altho i`m not a fan i kinda had an idea how some of the most important characters should look like.The design was not that from the anime nor the one from the movies. The High Moon Studios made a good work on the models.It`s a nice merge btw all the different aspects of the robots.Another nice thing is the "twitching" that the characters have wile been idle.Make them look more....human.

3. The Writhing - usually games have corny bad lines in them...well most of them.This is not the case in this game.For example , after one mission , Breakdown voices his relief, at which Megatron quips, "Yes Breakdown, your incessant whining has seen us through." The exchanges add humanity to an otherwise cold, mechanical world.

4.The Gameplay - feels a lot like Gears of War without the cover sistem.I mean you can`t run against a wall, but you can still use the world to escape enemy fire.The action is fast and tight and the controls are quite intuitive. While there's no real cover system, you won't want to be caught dead in the middle of an open battlefield.

The things i didn`t like :
1.The game is kinda short...only 10 chapters , divided into 5 decepticon and 5 autobot missions.
2.The enemy could have been a little more chalenging.Altho on different difficulty settings you can feel a slight improvement.
3.The fact that you can`t create your own bot. That feature would have made this game really interesting.
That`s it for now.The main idea is this : the game it`s worth buying ! I`m having fun playing it...and it has a replayable value...since it`s so fast passing at times it`s hard to see everything.
My rate atm is 9/10 ! I`ll come back with another post after i`m one with the game ! that`s out of the way , let`s get to the point.

The new Transformers game is here. I really was skeptical about this game. The other two games were pure shit.Shitty combat, shitty optimization , shitty story...basically CRAP.But what else to expect ? There are no decent movies made after video games...except this years Prince of Persia with was surprisingly good.But that`s smtg else and a different discution.Back to our game.
I`m gonna make this a preview...not a review cuz i`m not done with the game yet. It`s not finished and until i see the credits i think it`s not right to name my text a Review. To make it short...this game presents the war btw the decepticons and autobots, the war that distroyed their home world .
So...the things i liked :

1.The Story - is actually really nice. It has a comic-book feel.Not beening a transformers fan i didn`t know most of the facts that were prezented.And still the story felt refreshing yet familiar even to a new comer into that universe like me .
2. The Characters - altho i`m not a fan i kinda had an idea how some of the most important characters should look like.The design was not that from the anime nor the one from the movies. The High Moon Studios made a good work on the models.It`s a nice merge btw all the different aspects of the robots.Another nice thing is the "twitching" that the characters have wile been idle.Make them look more....human.

3. The Writhing - usually games have corny bad lines in them...well most of them.This is not the case in this game.For example , after one mission , Breakdown voices his relief, at which Megatron quips, "Yes Breakdown, your incessant whining has seen us through." The exchanges add humanity to an otherwise cold, mechanical world.

4.The Gameplay - feels a lot like Gears of War without the cover sistem.I mean you can`t run against a wall, but you can still use the world to escape enemy fire.The action is fast and tight and the controls are quite intuitive. While there's no real cover system, you won't want to be caught dead in the middle of an open battlefield.

The things i didn`t like :
1.The game is kinda short...only 10 chapters , divided into 5 decepticon and 5 autobot missions.
2.The enemy could have been a little more chalenging.Altho on different difficulty settings you can feel a slight improvement.
3.The fact that you can`t create your own bot. That feature would have made this game really interesting.
That`s it for now.The main idea is this : the game it`s worth buying ! I`m having fun playing it...and it has a replayable value...since it`s so fast passing at times it`s hard to see everything.
My rate atm is 9/10 ! I`ll come back with another post after i`m one with the game !
vineri, 28 mai 2010
True passion for the craft...WarCraft that is !
There are many enthusiastic WoW players that have made a great number of all kinds of game-themed extras of WoW. But one chinese player created smtg that I will buy in a second if the product was available. The guy created an amazing hand-planted / crafted WoW zippo lighter !
Enjoy !
1.The Original

2. The Sketch

3.Work in progress ~ A ~

4.Work in progress ~ B ~

5.Work in progress ~ C ~

6.Work in progress ~ D ~

7.Final Product ~ A ~

8.Final Product ~ B ~

9.Final Product ~ C ~

10.Final Product ~ D ~
Enjoy !
1.The Original

2. The Sketch

3.Work in progress ~ A ~

4.Work in progress ~ B ~

5.Work in progress ~ C ~

6.Work in progress ~ D ~

7.Final Product ~ A ~

8.Final Product ~ B ~

9.Final Product ~ C ~

10.Final Product ~ D ~

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