i'm just a regular everyday normal motherfucker

duminică, 27 iunie 2010

PREVIEW : Transformers - War for Cybertron

It`s been awhile since I've written smtg serious on this blog.Donno exactly why...maybe cuz i was bored ? Maybe cuz my life was turnin` to be a little bit more gray then i was expacting ? The main idea is that I`m back biatcheeeez !
Soooo...now that`s out of the way , let`s get to the point.

The new Transformers game is here. I really was skeptical about this game. The other two games were pure shit.Shitty combat, shitty optimization , shitty story...basically CRAP.But what else to expect ? There are no decent movies made after video games...except this years Prince of Persia with was surprisingly good.But that`s smtg else and a different discution.Back to our game.
I`m gonna make this a preview...not a review cuz i`m not done with the game yet. It`s not finished and until i see the credits i think it`s not right to name my text a Review. To make it short...this game presents the war btw the decepticons and autobots, the war that distroyed their home world .
So...the things i liked :

1.The Story - is actually really nice. It has a comic-book feel.Not beening a transformers fan i didn`t know most of the facts that were prezented.And still the story felt refreshing yet familiar even to a new comer into that universe like me .
2. The Characters - altho i`m not a fan i kinda had an idea how some of the most important characters should look like.The design was not that from the anime nor the one from the movies. The High Moon Studios made a good work on the models.It`s a nice merge btw all the different aspects of the robots.Another nice thing is the "twitching" that the characters have wile been idle.Make them look more....human.

3. The Writhing - usually games have corny bad lines in them...well most of them.This is not the case in this game.For example , after one mission , Breakdown voices his relief, at which Megatron quips, "Yes Breakdown, your incessant whining has seen us through." The exchanges add humanity to an otherwise cold, mechanical world.

4.The Gameplay - feels a lot like Gears of War without the cover sistem.I mean you can`t run against a wall, but you can still use the world to escape enemy fire.The action is fast and tight and the controls are quite intuitive. While there's no real cover system, you won't want to be caught dead in the middle of an open battlefield.

The things i didn`t like :
1.The game is kinda short...only 10 chapters , divided into 5 decepticon and 5 autobot missions.
2.The enemy could have been a little more chalenging.Altho on different difficulty settings you can feel a slight improvement.
3.The fact that you can`t create your own bot. That feature would have made this game really interesting.

That`s it for now.The main idea is this : the game it`s worth buying ! I`m having fun playing it...and it has a replayable value...since it`s so fast passing at times it`s hard to see everything.
My rate atm is 9/10 ! I`ll come back with another post after i`m one with the game !

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